The only Medal of Honor on film John A. Chapman was the first Airman to receive the Medal of Honor since the Vietnam War and he earned it while being filmed at the Battle of Takur Ghar (or Roberts Ridge...
America’s highest scoring Ace, Medal of Honor Winner By the time he was 24 years old, Richard Bong had shot down 40 enemy fighters. Starting out flying P-40 Warhawks in Papua New Guinea, he got his first kills on the...
The Unkillable Ace of Aces from WW1 Captain Eddie Rickenbacker: 26 aerial victories, Medal of Honor recipient, most medals for Valor in WW1 (including 7 Distinguished Services Crosses), survivor of two plane crashes, survivor of 24 days on the open...
The A-10 pilot who took fire and landed a damaged plane Colonel Kim Campbell was supporting ground troops during the Iraq war in 2003 when her A-10 was hit by ground fire over Baghdad and badly damaged. Discussing with her...
A Flying Gun designed by a Russian-American The A-10 warthog has become one of the most iconic ground attack planes in history. Made in the 1970s it is projected to be in service through 2040. Built around a giant 30mm...
The Only Woman who is a Medal of Honor Recipient Spy, Surgeon, Prisoner of War, non-Conformist and suffragist (women's right to vote), this is a woman who broke every glass ceiling and she did it in the 1800s. Born on...