Todd Beamer: American Hero of Flight 93

Bravely Assaulted Terrorists on 9/11 to save others
When Todd Beamer and the rest of the passengers on Flight 93 found out that their plane had been taken over by hijackers, a few made calls to emergency services. On one such call, Todd Beamer (who was flying home to see his family) made the 911 operator aware that instead of being a victim, he and a few others were going to fight to regain control of the aircraft. Taking a moment to share his love for his wife and children and praying with the 911 operator, his last words heard before the assault were forever recorded in the annals of history: “Let’s Roll!” No one knows for sure what happened next but it is clear that the plane was flown into the ground near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Whatever target the hijackers originally, was clearly thwarted by the efforts of brave Americans who surely knew that they were going to die. I think it is poignant to point out that in his last few moments, Todd had three things on his mind that can show us the way: God, Family, Country.
Thank you Todd Beamer. Valor is in you. Set it free.