The Green Mountain Boys: Vermont American Militia Warriors

Fighting for American Values before it was cool
The Green Mountain Boys was a militia started in 1770 for the British provinces between New Hampshire and New York that later became the State of Vermont. They fought in the Revolutionary War against the British but Vermont did not become a state till 1791 some 14 years after the war. They were also involved in the War of 1812, the Civil War and the Spanish-American War. They currently serve as the Vermont National Guard and Vermont Air National Guard where you will see their emblem on the tails of the fighter jets and the Green Mountain Boys flag flown. As volunteers they fought for freedom before Vermont was even a country and later a U.S. state. Their legacy lives on today as a part of American history and the reason why we have state sovereignty and a representative republic not a democracy. The federal government was non-existent during the Revolutionary War and militias made up of regular citizens were the backbone of our army.
Nothing says “American” more than the Green Mountain Boys. Valor is in you. Set it free.