Barbara Lauwers: Black Ops CIA agent who demoralized the Germans
Directly caused the Defection of 600 troops in WW2
Barbara Lauwers was a Czechoslovakian born American who worked for the OSS (CIA) during WW2. After studying law in the U.S. she began work for the OSS (after officer school in the Florida WAC) in their propaganda department. There she was in charge of demoralizing Germans in Italy. During her special operation “Sauerkraut” she used German prisoners in Naples, Italy to distribute her propaganda. Being able to speak German, English, Czech, Slovak, and French she was invaluable in recruiting the willing prisoners as distributors. When her propaganda caused 600 Czechoslovak soldiers to surrender, she was presented with the Bronze Star in Rome for her efforts. After the war, like many former soldiers, she worked jobs like dental assistant, selling hats, and finally at the Library of Congress. She also did broadcasts on the Voice of America, a radio program broadcast across the world (I remember listening to this living overseas in the 70s). She put herself to work, fought the good fight, and without firing a shot saved lives.
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