Master Sergeant John A. Chapman
The only Medal of Honor on film
John A. Chapman was the first Airman to receive the Medal of Honor since the Vietnam War and he earned it while being filmed at the Battle of Takur Ghar (or Roberts Ridge after the first SEAL killed) in 2002 rescuing a fellow soldier from a snowy mountaintop. Attached to a SEAL Team, Chapman jumped into action when the helicopter they were riding on took fire and a SEAL fell out into hostile enemy positions. He leapt out of the helo and destroyed two machine gun bunkers who were firing at his fellow soldiers. Mortally wounded, he fought several attackers at close quarters finally succumbing to his injuries.
As the first Medal of Honor caught on video (from a Predator drone) Chapmans sacrifice was in plain view of Valor in real time. 7 US forces were killed in the battle including Chapman.
The timid may live a lifetime, but Valor lives forever.