Lt. Col. Edwin P. Ramsey: Battling Bastard of Battan

Led Last Horseback Cavalry Charge against the Japanese
When the Japanese invaded the Philippines at the beginning of WW2, Edwin Ramsey was stationed on the island in charge of the 26th Cavalry Regiment. Scouting and covering the retreat of MacArthur, he came upon a superior force of Japanese in a small village. Pulling out his pistol, he shouted “Charge !!” as he and his 30 horseback Philippinoes attacked the surprised Japanese. They covered MacArthur’s retreat at which point Edwin proceeded to run a guerilla campaign for the next several years. At the end of the war he weighed 93 pounds from sickness, and had to have his appendix taken out without anesthetic, drinking only whiskey to dull the pain of the operation. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star and two Purple Hearts.
His motto was “Never Surrender”. Valor is in you. Set it free.