Desmond T. Doss

Medal of Honor Combat Medic who saved 75 men in one day and never carried a gun
Desmond T. Doss was a combat medic for the US Army in WW2 and was shipped to the South Pacific. He saw action on Guam, Philippines and Okinawa and was awarded the Medal of Honor and 2 Bronze Stars with Valor device.
In the fight to take Hacksaw Ridge, when 75 men were wounded and stranded on a high cliff, Desmond refused to leave them and went back for them one at a time by himself, lowering them down the cliff wall to safety while under fire.
He further aided men putting himself in mortal danger often close enough to the enemy to hear them talking. When wounded by a grenade, he patched himself up and directed men to get more critically wounded to safety before himself. When a sniper shattered his arm bone, he was evacuated and honorably discharged from the Army.
Desmond was mistreated by the Army commanders for being a Conscientious Objector and refusing to carry a gun. He was also hated by his fellow army personnel for his stance on killing and his faith as a Seventh Day Adventist. He never mistreated his fellow soldiers no matter how hard they were on him and their attitude changed after they saw his bravery in action.
It takes Valor to stand up for what you believe and run into battle with no weapon.