Chris Kyle “American Sniper” 150 confirmed kills


Killed while helping fellow veteran with PTSD

Chris Kyle, a Navy Seal with extensive training and experience as well as the highest sniper tally in American history, was killed trying to help a fellow veteran who had been suffering from PTSD. Hoping to help this man, Kyle and his friend Chad were setting up targets when they were both shot and killed. Kyle had already been awarded the Silver Star and four Bronze Stars with V for Valor by the time of his honorable discharge from the Navy. He served with distinction and remains a key figure in American history as an example of a true soldier. His death brings to light the hidden cost of service in the armed forces: PTSD and related trauma that our soldiers sometimes suffer from. The book “American Sniper” and accompanying film are truly worthy examples of American exceptionalism.

It takes Valor to give your life helping those in need: mentally or physically.

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