Arthur Clowes: Killer mustache, killer Brows, killer Wasp
WW2 RAF ace in Hawker Hurricane
Originally joining the RAF as a mechanic in 1929, he soon gained skills as a pilot and flew Hawker Fury bi-planes for a time. He survived a mid air collision in the Fury but was soon upgraded to the Hawker Hurricane at the beginning of WW2. Flying in France in 1939, he began shooting down German aircraft including the first one to shoot down a Heinkel 111. Unfortunately his Hurricane was hit by a French aircraft and he survived yet another crash landing. Clowes went on to fight in the Battle of Britain and shot down a total of 12 enemy aircraft. His Hurricane had a drawing of a wasp to which he added a stripe for each enemy fighter downed. At some point he lost sight in one eye in 1943 and was grounded and given desk duty for the remainder of the war. He died of liver cancer in 1949 age 37.
His life was not long but he is still remembered with honor. Valor is in you. Set it free.